Friday, May 17, 2013

Life: Day 17: Favorite Photo

Happy Friday! I know I say this most weeks, but this week has felt long. I'm so ready for it to be the weekend, even if the forecast is cloudy and rainy!

Today's task for Blog Every Day in May is to choose a favorite photograph of myself and explain why I like it. As most women tend to be, I'm very critical of myself and tend to dislike most of the photos that I'm in. But if I had to pick a current favorite, I think this one takes the cake.

What I love about this photo is how candid it was, and how much fun we were having when taking it. We were at a cabin on a snowy weekend in January. We were having a great time, surrounded by friends and morning mimosas. Can you say perfect?

Another reason I love this photo is because I wasn't wearing any makeup, and was completely comfortable with it. I don't wear that much makeup to begin with, but sometimes I feel self-conscious going "nude." But a weekend at the cabin called for natural hair and no makeup, and I loved the way it made me look and feel.

Now enough about me. It's Friday, let's celebrate! Happy weekend!

|| Photo is property of Twentyapolis. Do not use or distribute ||

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