Thursday, December 19, 2013

Mood: December Feel

December, you are a beautiful little thing.

I was so unbelievably happy to return home yesterday after a few different trips (Reno, Denver and San Antonio). I think, for the very first time, I really understood what people meant when they say "I'm so happy to be home." With the holidays just a few days away and a to-do list down to my knees, all I've wanted to do is curl up on my couch, wool socks on my feet, cocoa in my hand, cuddling up next to our Christmas tree getting things done. I had a wonderful time with my extended family, but there's just something about the holidays that makes me want to be home

Not to mention, I returned home to a gorgeous city covered in snow, twinkling under the street lights. Minneapolis, I may not be able to get anywhere in my car on your snow covered streets, but I just love you so.

December, I'm feeling you, and all that you bring. Your chilly temperatures, holiday lights, endless cups of cocoa, holiday cards, cookies and everything in-between. I'd love of you could stick around for a while.

lights || cocoa || print || gift || note || cookies

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