Monday, October 19, 2015

Presently: October

|| Photo is property of Mountain Shadow Morning. Must give credit. || 

Oh October. My favorite month (but don't tell December that). Cool temperatures, leaves changing colors, pumpkins, cider and all things spooky. What's not to love about this month? It's more than half way over and I haven't had even close to my fill of this month.

Why can't it be October all year round? Camp agrees.

Making: plans for the next few weeks and into November. Ahem, how is it ALREADY almost the end of this year?
Watching: Hocus Pocus, my all-time favorite Halloween movie. Sistahhhhs!
Doing: yoga! A huge perk of my new job is that I'm surrounded by yoga constantly. It's been easy to make it to my mat!
Thinking: positive thoughts. I've been trying to catch myself each time I complain to find something positive about the situation.
Visiting: with family over the next few weeks as they come and visit. Bring on the visitors!
Rocking: dirty hair and a makeup-less face. Another perk of this job is that I'm becoming so comfortable in my skin.
Spending: as much time outdoors as I can before the temperatures drop. Winter is coming.
Shopping: for groceries on a weekly basis. Lots of cooking is happening in our apartment! Trader Joe's makes my heart so happy.
Eating: autumn minestrone with soy chorizo. Recipe to come soon!
Drinking: Blue Fin Pinot Noir from Trader Joe's. The minute fall comes, I crave red wine. And this one is a super affordable option ($4.99 a bottle and it's actually good).
Missing: waking up with the sun. It's hard to wake up when it's dark outside.
Planning: our holiday schedule. With Jack's job, my teaching schedule and two families, we have some organizing to do!
Working: at my new job at CorePower Yoga! It's been three months did that happen?!
Reading: The Yamas and Niyamas by Deborah Adele before bed each night.
Wanting: to find a home to rent once our current lease is up (it hasn't been easy). If you know someone renting a house with a yard in January, let us know!
Enjoying: hot coffee in the morning.
Writing: this blog! With my career change, I haven't put nearly as much time to it as I'd like, but I'm getting there!
Pinning: fall foods and styles, and DIYs for the winter months.
Cooking: vegetarian food. I'm currently experimenting with tempeh.
Pondering: what Camp dreams about. I love watching his paws move as he dreams.
Listening: to Father John Misty's "I Love You Honeybear" and "Chateau Lobby #4 (in C for Two Virgins)" on repeat.
Liking: cooking each night. There's nothing like a home-cooked meal (with leftovers for lunch the next day).
Feeling: great after a good night's sleep. I'm trying to ensure I can get 8 hours of sleep a night. Not easy!
Noticing: that I can't remember the last time I had a haircut. That's probably not good.
Going: for long walks with Camp each day. It's great exercise for him and is a good time for me to relax.
Debating: folding the load of laundry in the dryer. Meh, it can wait.
Loving: the idea of joining a rec soccer league with Jack this fall.

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